Friday, October 2, 2009

the old south and the new south summary

In the days before the civil war, it was an era known as the Old South. In this time period the Southerners were well known for their plantations and the slave work that wa used on them. In the time period also the Southerners were up in high class and didi not work but partied and lived on the high stakes. The era during and after the civil war was called the New South which actually went from a good world for the Southerners to a bad world. This time was a time of extreme destruction to plantations, murderous battles of the world, and loss of money and work for the South. The South after the Civil War had to look at a whole new lifeline for things because they were in a problem after the loss of work and the end of Slavery began. The South was never the same after that for they had to learn how to work and get back out of the poor house and back on their feet as well as their life.

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